Sunday 20 October 2013

On My Way To Clyde River

Thursday, the skies were bright and clear with not a cloud in the sky. Perfect for flying to our first community, Clyde River. The temperature is approximately -10C.

It is back to my favourite little turboprop planes that take us to the small communities. Is my sarcasm coming through? Maybe not. I am not a fan of these small cargo planes, they are VERY turbulent and very noisy.

I am sitting in the last row. This proved to be a bad choice of seats as they were one short for lunch service and since I was at the back I was out of luck. Too bad because First Air has yummy food.

As I peered through my window flying towards Clyde, I felt a sense of awe and wonder. The land looked like a gigantic bowl of freshly whipped meringue! The sun was shining brightly on the West face of the snowy white peaks, casting a shadow on the East. When we passed over bodies of water I noticed the smaller ones starting to freeze over slightly. (Sorry, I was too busy staring to grab my camera.) 

We arrived in Clyde River and it is so beautiful. Mountains to the West and a vast barren snow covered land to the East. The inlet is surrounded by fjords. The community lies in the Baffin mountains off Patricia's Bay in the Qikiqtaalu region (AKA Baffin Region) of Nunavut. There are approximately 800 people living here, half are under the age of 18. I heard that this community has one of the largest childrens population in the region.

Clyde River

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