Sunday 5 June 2011

And I thought I would have nothing to write about...

My day started at 5:30 am yet again, I seem to be stuck in Ottawa time still. I woke up planning on having a rather boring day. Since I am up so early I have been staring my days with an hour of ashtanga yoga, I am so glad that I decided to bring my yoga mat. So my big plan was yoga, reading, skype, checking on my instruments in the clinic, and maybe a little walk if there wasn't a blizzard...

Since there wasn't a blizzard and I was beginning to get a little bored, it was time for me to go on a stroll with my camera.

I put on my winter boots and my matching purple jacket (No, I did not coordinate on purpose, purple just happened to be the only colour available. Thankfully I really like purple!). I decided I didn't need my mittens as it was a balmy -3C outside, however, I definitely needed my sunglasses with the sun reflecting off of the snow. In fact you will never see people outside without sunglasses or ski goggles on. This very necessary habit leaves everyone, and I mean everyone, with a lovely raccoon-eye tan line.

I walked out of the hotel and grabbed a couple pictures of the inn...
Those are houses in front...

I reached the end of the street wondering which way to go first...

I chose to go left, but first I had to stop so I could change my camera lens. As I was wishing that I had an extra set of arms a gentlemen came up to me and asked if I would like for him to take my picture. Of course I did! We decided to find a better backdrop for my photo and started walking down the street. Please remember that I am in a village and not a city so I was perfectly safe. I promise! Also, I would not walk off with just anyone. Anyways, I learned that Rob is the principle of the elementary school, he comes up from BC but is originally from Ottawa! We ended up walking past the school and since he just happened to have the key took my in for a tour. What luck! 

Children's blocks!

After my little tour we got a halfway decent picture of me decked out in purple!

In the middle ground you can see the sled dogs. This is how they are kept 24-7, tied to a chain. Up here dogs are not treated as we would treat our pets, these are working dogs that are given the basic necessities. 

As I walked around I saw bear, caribou, and quite possible wolf pelts hanging basically everywhere. It is a different world up here.... My next picture is a typical street of houses.

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