Saturday 11 June 2011

The good things

I have been spending a lot of time on the negative aspects of life in the North, and there is a lot of sadness that needs to be shared in hopes of starting change, but there are also many good things that need to be said. I want to make sure that I am painting the right picture, where there is both good and bad.

It doesn't matter what time of day I look out my window, whether it is five in the morning or eleven at night, I see children playing. They are out on their bicycles, swinging on swings and jumping in the fresh mud puddles that have developed from the recent warmer temperatures. It's great to see the little ones making up games, having fun and getting some fresh air.

One little boy has needed multiple appointments with us. He always comes in with his father, I can tell that they have a very close, loving and happy relationship. The father sweetly refers to the boy as "my son". He always asks him, "my son, are you doing okay"?,  the boy raises his eyebrows widely to his father, meaning "yes". At the end of the appointment the father looked up at me with intense and concerned eyes, asking me if it would be okay for his son to go out on the land with him. I told him that it wouldn't be a problem. He was grateful as they had made plans to go caribou hunting that night.

I have been seeing a few patients with minimal dental problems, which always brings a smile to my face. Some are lucky enough to just need a cleaning and are then sent on their way. Some people may have lost all of their upper teeth, but now realize that they have to take care of their mouth if they want to keep the lowers. The remaining teeth are perfect! They brush and floss every day now, determined to keep the teeth that they still have.

I saw a really nice gentleman yesterday that works in the health center. He is in charge of recreation and fitness for the long term care residents. People living in the health center are either the elders or physically or mental disabled. He loves his job, and is grateful to be able to help people.

I hope that this post shows some of the positive aspects! It's not all sadness. I myself am quite content here, though I do miss home, but I don't think I would be able to stay here if it was complete sadness with no hope for the future. There are many people here trying to make a difference to improve life.

 I took this picture from the plane :)

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