Friday 2 December 2011

Déjà vu

It's Wednesday morning and I am back at the airport. Glen jokes that we are going to take the 737 out for a little spin and end up back where we started. I sincerely hope not!

We all waited in line to check in with Canadian North. I checked in only to find out that there is a problem with my ticket in the system and head office had to be called to sort things out. I waited patiently for an hour before the front desk person returned. As I am waiting I hear announcements that that the flight to Rankin has been cancelled due to weather. The person checking in beside me was supposed to be on that flight and was now looking for a place to stay in the fully booked Yellowknife hotels. Thankfully, I find out that my ticket is good to go and there are no warnings of bad weather in Cambridge, so far at least.

We boarded our little plane and were off to Kugluktuk for our first stop. The captain made an announcement that the weather is good enough to take a shot at landing in Cambridge, we all had a sigh of relief. Another hour in the air and we were able to make a safe landing.

We were picked up at the airport and brought to our apartments at the Green Row. I was given my key for 1E, the exact same apartment as my last trip! It was about 2pm by this point, I quickly had a snack and headed down to the dental clinic within twenty minutes. It took a while to find everything we needed. This is one problem with having so many different teams come in, we all have different ideas of where things should be stored. Eventually, I found what I needed. It didn't take long for people to notice the lights were on in the clinic. Within a half hour people started walking in to book appointments. An artist also stopped by to sell some hand made slippers.

I left for home around five, satisfied that I was ready to see patients the next day. The sky had been pitch black since around 2:30ish, but the street I walk to get home was quite well lit. I was happy to be somewhere familiar and started to settle in by unpacking all of my food and clothes for the next week.

Later in the evening there was a knock on my door. I answered to find a couple, the gentleman was an artist with some pretty soapstone inukshuks and caribou antler pendants (a cross section of the antler with an inukshuk carved out in the centre and painted purple). I swear the artists are on watch for any new people to the community, and when they find out, word spreads quickly. I love seeing their work, though, and don't find them to be bothersome, if anything I enjoy meeting as many people as possible. Luckily for this particular artist my favourite colour is purple and I could not resist the antler pendant.

Sorry about the picture quality, it's much nicer in person.

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