Friday 2 December 2011

Pink Snow Ninja

Our first day seeing patients in clinic was Thursday. I am a bit behind on my blogging and am trying to catch up....

I woke up to my iPhone alarm at 6am, pressed snooze a couple of times and finally dragged myself out of bed at 6:45. It was pitch black outside, not that this is different from down South at this time of year. I made some tea, ate my breakfast and got ready to go. I bundled up in my raspberry goose-down jacket, ear pockets, boots, mitts, and covered my face up to my eyes with my favourite brown, soft and fuzzy scarf that Farah made for me. After putting my fur-lined hood on nice and tight to finish my ensemble you would not be able to recognize me except for the small slit for my eyes to see through. I was now a pink with brown accessories snow ninja ready to brave the cold!

When I got to the clinic, I overheard people in the other offices talking about what a nice morning it was. This confused me slightly as it was at least minus 25 C, not including the wind chill. Eventually a familiar face came around the corner, it was Jana, the dental coordinator. I met Jana on my last trip, she had just started the job at that point, six months later she is now a pro and doing a fantastic job. My clerk never showed up for work, but thankfully Jana stayed to help with reception. By 10:30 I looked out the window to finally see some daylight, by 2:30 the sky was black again. Jana and I discussed the importance of vitamin D especially being in the North. The sun is never actually in the sky at this time of year, daylight is probably better described as dusk.

Clinic was busy with the typical extractions and simple restorations that seem never-ending in the North. The day eventually came to an end and I headed home to boil some water to make my freeze-dried beef stroganoff.

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